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Free disk encryption software for PCs and PDAs
(PDA version of WWW site)

Appendix F: Uninstalling

PC version only This section applies to the PC version of FreeOTFE only

To uninstall FreeOTFE, please carry out the steps detailed in either of the sections below:

Automatic Uninstall

If installed via the installation wizard, FreeOTFE may be uninstalled by either:
  1. Using the "Add and Remove Programs" control panel applet.
  2. Running "uninstall.exe", found in the directory FreeOTFE was installed in

Manual Uninstall

  1. Launch "FreeOTFE.exe".
  2. Unmount all mounted volumes.
  3. Select "File | Drivers..."
  4. Select each of the drivers you have installed, and click "Uninstall". Repeat this until all drivers have been uninstalled. If you encounter errors in this step, don't worry; just continue uninstalling your other remaining drivers
  5. Exit FreeOTFE.
  6. Reboot your computer
  7. You shouldn't need to, but if you encountered any errors while uninstalling the drivers:
    1. Run "regedit.exe", and remove all registry keys under: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services that have "FreeOTFE" in their name.
    2. Delete all files beginning "FreeOTFE" from your <windows>\system32\drivers directory (you may need to reboot your computer again before you can do this)
    3. If you deleted any registry entries or files, reboot your computer again.
  8. Finally, delete "FreeOTFE.exe", and any shortcuts you may have created.